

Package Contents



Taichi Graphical User Interface class.




Convert rgb color format to hex color format.


Convert hex color format to rgb color format.




class taichi.ui.GUI(name='Taichi', res=512, background_color=0, show_gui=True, fullscreen=False, fast_gui=False)

Taichi Graphical User Interface class.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the GUI to be constructed. Default is ‘Taichi’.

  • res (Union[int, List[int]], optional) – The resolution of created GUI. Default is 512*512. If res is scalar, then width will be equal to height.

  • background_color (int, optional) – The background color of created GUI. Default is 0x000000.

  • show_gui (bool, optional) – Specify whether to render the GUI. Default is True.

  • fullscreen (bool, optional) – Specify whether to render the GUI in fullscreen mode. Default is False.

  • fast_gui (bool, optional) – Specify whether to use fast gui mode of Taichi. Default is False.


The created taichi GUI object.

Return type


class Event
class WidgetValue(gui, wid)
property value(self)
class EventFilter(*e_filter)
match(self, e)
SHIFT = Shift
ALT = Alt
CTRL = Control
ESCAPE = Escape
RETURN = Return
TAB = Tab
UP = Up
DOWN = Down
LEFT = Left
RIGHT = Right
CAPSLOCK = Caps_Lock
EXIT = WMClose
WHEEL = Wheel
MOVE = Motion
static get_bool_environ(key, default)

Get an environment variable and cast to bool. :param key: The environment variable key. :type key: str :param default: The default value. :type default: bool


The environment variable value cast to bool. If the value is not found, directly return argument ‘default’.

slider(self, text, minimum, maximum, step=1)

Create a slider object on canvas to be manipulated with.

  • text (str) – The title of slider.

  • minimum (Number) – The minimum value of slider.

  • maximum (Number) – The maximum value of slider.

  • step (Number, optional) – The changing step of slider. Default is 1.


The created slider object.

Return type


label(self, text)

Create a label object on canvas.


text (str) – The title of label.


The created label object.

Return type


button(self, text, event_name=None)

Create a button object on canvas to be manipulated with.

  • text (str) – The title of button.

  • event_name (str, optional) – The event name associated with button. Default is WidgetButton_{text}


The event name associated with created button.

clear(self, color=None)

Clear the canvas with the color provided.


color (int, optional) – Specify the color to clear the canvas. Default is the background color of GUI.

cook_image(self, img)

Get the image data.


The image data in numpy contiguous array type.

Return type


set_image(self, img)

Sets an image to display on the window.

The image pixels are set from the values of img[i, j], where i indicates the horizontal coordinates (from left to right) and j the vertical coordinates (from bottom to top). If the window size is (x, y), then img must be one of:

  • ti.field(shape=(x, y)), a gray-scale image

  • ti.field(shape=(x, y, 3)), where 3 is for (r, g, b) channels

  • ti.field(shape=(x, y, 2)), where 2 is for (r, g) channels

  • ti.Vector.field(3, shape=(x, y)) (r, g, b) channels on each component

  • ti.Vector.field(2, shape=(x, y)) (r, g) channels on each component

  • np.ndarray(shape=(x, y))

  • np.ndarray(shape=(x, y, 3))

  • np.ndarray(shape=(x, y, 2))

The data type of img must be one of:
  • uint8, range [0, 255]

  • uint16, range [0, 65535]

  • uint32, range [0, 4294967295]

  • float32, range [0, 1]

  • float64, range [0, 1]


img (Union[ti.field, numpy.array]) – The color array representing the image to be drawn. Support greyscale, RG, RGB, and RGBA color representations. Its shape must match GUI resolution.

circle(self, pos, color=16777215, radius=1)

Draw a single circle on canvas.

  • pos (Union[List[int], numpy.array]) – The position of the circle.

  • color (int, Optional) – The color of the circle. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

  • radius (Number, Optional) – The radius of the circle in pixel. Default is 1.

circles(self, pos, radius=1, color=16777215, palette=None, palette_indices=None)

Draw a list of circles on canvas.

  • pos (numpy.array) – The positions of the circles.

  • radius (Number, optional) – The radius of the circles in pixel. Default is 1.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of the circles. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

  • palette (list[int], optional) – The List of colors from which to choose to draw. Default is None.

  • palette_indices (Union[list[int], ti.field, numpy.array], optional) – The List of indices that choose color from palette for each circle. Shape must match pos. Default is None.

triangles(self, a, b, c, color=16777215)

Draw a list of triangles on canvas.

  • a (numpy.array) – The positions of the first points of triangles.

  • b (numpy.array) – The positions of the second points of triangles.

  • c (numpy.array) – The positions of the thrid points of triangles.

  • color (Union[int, numpy.array], optional) – The color or colors of triangles. Can be either a single color or a list of colors whose shape matches the shape of a & b & c. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

triangle(self, a, b, c, color=16777215)

Draw a single triangle on canvas.

  • a (List[Number]) – The position of the first point of triangle. Shape must be 2.

  • b (List[Number]) – The position of the second point of triangle. Shape must be 2.

  • c (List[Number]) – The position of the third point of triangle. Shape must be 2.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of the triangle. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

lines(self, begin, end, radius=1, color=16777215)

Draw a list of lines on canvas.

  • begin (numpy.array) – The positions of one end of lines.

  • end (numpy.array) – The positions of the other end of lines.

  • radius (Union[Number, numpy.array], optional) – The width of lines. Can be either a single width or a list of width whose shape matches the shape of begin & end. Default is 1.

  • color (Union[int, numpy.array], optional) – The color or colors of lines. Can be either a single color or a list of colors whose shape matches the shape of begin & end. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

line(self, begin, end, radius=1, color=16777215)

Draw a single line on canvas.

  • begin (List[Number]) – The position of one end of line. Shape must be 2.

  • end (List[Number]) – The position of the other end of line. Shape must be 2.

  • radius (Number, optional) – The width of line. Default is 1.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of line. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

arrows(self, orig, direction, radius=1, color=16777215, **kwargs)

Draw a list arrows on canvas.

  • orig (numpy.array) – The positions where arrows start.

  • direction (numpy.array) – The directions where arrows point to.

  • radius (Union[Number, np.array], optional) – The width of arrows. Default is 1.

  • color (Union[int, np.array], optional) – The color or colors of arrows. Default is 0xffffff.

arrow(self, orig, direction, radius=1, color=16777215, **kwargs)

Draw a single arrow on canvas.

  • orig (List[Number]) – The position where arrow starts. Shape must be 2.

  • direction (List[Number]) – The direction where arrow points to. Shape must be 2.

  • radius (Number, optional) – The width of arrow. Default is 1.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of arrow. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

rect(self, topleft, bottomright, radius=1, color=16777215)

Draw a single rectangle on canvas.

  • topleft (List[Number]) – The position of the topleft corner of rectangle. Shape must be 2.

  • bottomright (List[Number]) – The position of the bottomright corner of rectangle. Shape must be 2.

  • radius (Number, optional) – The width of rectangle’s sides. Default is 1.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of rectangle. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

text(self, content, pos, font_size=15, color=16777215)

Draw texts on canvas.

  • content (str) – The text to be drawn on canvas.

  • pos (List[Number]) – The position where the text is to be put.

  • font_size (Number, optional) – The font size of the text.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of the text. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

point_field(self, radius, color=16777215, bound=0.5)

Draw a field of points on canvas.

  • radius (np.array) – The pattern and radius of the field of points.

  • color (Union[int, np.array], optional) – The color or colors of points. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

  • bound (Number, optional) – The boundary of the field. Default is 0.5.

arrow_field(self, direction, radius=1, color=16777215, bound=0.5, **kwargs)

Draw a field of arrows on canvas.

  • direction (np.array) – The pattern and direction of the field of arrows.

  • color (Union[int, np.array], optional) – The color or colors of arrows. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

  • bound (Number, optional) – The boundary of the field. Default is 0.5.

show(self, file=None)

Show the frame or save current frame as a picture.


file (str, optional) – The path & name of the picture to be saved. Default is None.


Check if there are any key event registered.


Bool to indicate whether there is any key event registered.

get_event(self, *e_filter)

Check if the specific event is triggered.


*e_filter (ti.GUI.EVENT) – The specific event to be checked.


Bool to indicate whether the specific event is triggered.

get_events(self, *e_filter)

Get a list of events that are triggered.


*e_filter (List[ti.GUI.EVENT]) – The type of events to be filtered.


A list of events that are triggered.

Return type



Get keyboard triggered event.


The keyboard triggered event.

Return type


is_pressed(self, *keys)

Check if the specific key or keys are pressed.


*keys (Union[str, List[str]]) – The string that stands for keys in keyboard.


Bool to indicate whether the key or keys are pressed.


Get the current position of mouse.


The current position of mouse.

property running(self)

Get the property of whether the gui is running.


The running property of gui(bool).

property fps_limit(self)

Get the property of fps limit.


The property of fps limit of gui.


Convert rgb color format to hex color format.


c (List[int]) – The rgb representation of color.


The hex representation of color.


Convert hex color format to rgb color format.


color (int) – The hex representation of color.


The rgb representation of color.

class taichi.ui.Gui(gui)
sub_window(self, name, x, y, width, height)

Creating a context manager for subwindow


All args of this method should align with begin.

  • x (float) – The x-coordinate (between 0 and 1) of the top-left corner of the subwindow, relative to the full window.

  • y (float) – The y-coordinate (between 0 and 1) of the top-left corner of the subwindow, relative to the full window.

  • width (float) – The width of the subwindow relative to the full window.

  • height (float) – The height of the subwindow relative to the full window.


>>> with gui.sub_window(name, x, y, width, height) as g:
>>>     g.text("Hello, World!")
begin(self, name, x, y, width, height)

Creates a subwindow that holds imgui widgets.

All widget function calls (e.g. text, button) after the begin and before the next end will describe the widgets within this subwindow.

  • x (float) – The x-coordinate (between 0 and 1) of the top-left corner of the subwindow, relative to the full window.

  • y (float) – The y-coordinate (between 0 and 1) of the top-left corner of the subwindow, relative to the full window.

  • width (float) – The width of the subwindow relative to the full window.

  • height (float) – The height of the subwindow relative to the full window.


End the description of the current subwindow.

text(self, text)

Declares a line of text.

checkbox(self, text, old_value)

Declares a checkbox, and returns whether or not it has been checked.

  • text (str) – a line of text to be shown next to the checkbox

  • old_value (bool) – whether the checkbox is currently checked

slider_float(self, text, old_value, minimum, maximum)

Declares a slider, and returns its newest value.

  • text (str) – a line of text to be shown next to the slider

  • old_value (float) – the current value of the slider.

  • minimum (float) – the minimum value of the slider.

  • maximum (float) – the maximum value of the slider.

color_edit_3(self, text, old_value)

Declares a color edit palate.

  • text (str) – a line of text to be shown next to the palate

  • old_value (Tuple[float]) – the current value of the color, this should be a tuple of floats in [0,1] that indicates RGB values.

button(self, text)

Declares a button, and returns whether or not it had just been clicked.


text (str) – a line of text to be shown next to the button
